Food & Drinks

The place to be in Augsburg.

opening hours10.00am-01.00am Mon - Sat | 10.00am-11.00pm Sun

16 different Signature Drinks!

Giacomo Girolamo Casanova

Nicolas Ruinart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jacob Grimm

König Ludwig I. von Bayern

Kaiser Napoleon III. von Frankreich

Richard Wagner

Rudolf Diesel

Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Hermann Hesse

Richard Strauss

Zarah Leander

Preferred Luxury

Bartender‘s Choice




The bar staff serves timeless classics and creative signature drinks. The must-try of 3M is the exclusive Maximilian´s Gin - an exquisite touch of local honey meets classic August Gin.

Impression coffee